Making a quantum leap going from you to you2-means accomplishing far more, in less time, with only a fraction of the effort you’ve been giving.
Author introduced the concept of Quantum Leap in the book. Most people operate with a mindset that assumes success comes with daily incremental gains (Gradual Progress). But in certain areas of your life, you can just as easily think in terms of skipping levels. You can move from your present level of achievement to one that is several stages higher directly. You make the quantum leap. You become you2 instead of accepting present circumstances or gradual progress, you can go for breakthrough.
5 big ideas to take Quantum leap in LIFE:
- Quit Trying Harder: Ordinarily you will find that trying harder produces only incremental gains and sometimes burnout as well, not quantum leaps. Attempting to succeed through “more of the same” usually just give you more of the same. If you want to make a quantum leap, quit thinking about trying harder. More effort isnt the answer.
- Ignore Conventional Ways as Quantum leaps require paradoxical behavior. Quantum leap requires you to abandon the ship of status quo. Unusual moves which sometimes defy common sense. New attitudes. You must be willing to break out of your routines in order to make the quantum leap. Try being illogical. “Faith in the familiar” sets the trap. Overcome the addiction to your old methodologies. Set a new pattern.
- Quantum leaps demand a willingness to make mistakes: Unless you allow yourself to make mistakes, to fail, you will never have the opportunity to test the limits of what you truly are capable of accomplishing. A performance lag ordinarily occurs at the very outset when you are making a quantum leap. It’s the pause during which you poise for the jump, the temporary loss of momentum that occurs in the process of “changing gears”.
- Focus on possibilities, rather than on limits or obstacles: Making a quantum leap means moving outside your mental boundaries. Don’t limit your desires to what you think you “can have”…start going after what you “want”. Ask yourself what you’re risking if you do not go for the quantum leap. The risk is that you won’t get what you really want out of life. Something is always at stake. You can only decide which risks to take.
- Make your move before you are ready: You don’t “prepare” for a quantum leap. You make it, and then fine-tune your approach. You go for it, instead of forever getting ready so you will be sure to get in right. “Zero defects” is a hostile concept in the pursuit of you2. First you act, then you frame out the details of your strategy. Mobility is a crucial element. Strategy formulation then evolves naturally out of your discovery process. You’ll discover, once underway, that you know more than you know you know. Just trust your instincts.

Stay blessed and keep Rocking!