Tip1: Excercise : Move your body. Neuroscientists have observed that the hippocampus, a part of the brain that is involved in mood regulation, has shrunk in depressed individuals. Exercise encourages the development of new nerve cells in the hippocampus, which strengthens connections between those cells and lessens depression.
Physical symptoms of depression include difficulty sleeping, low energy, changes in appetite, body aches, and an intensified sense of pain, all of which can make it difficult to feel motivated to exercise. Low mood gives you the urge to do the things that make mood worse. It’s challenging to interrupt the cycle, but getting up and moving just a little bit will help.
Start with five minutes a day of walking or any activity you enjoy. Soon, five minutes of activity will become 10, and 10 will become 15.
Tip2: Social Connection: Being Social Animal, we are hardwired for connection. But when we are depressed, we tend to go in our shell and prefer solitude. It might feel safer to be alone but in longer term, that’s gonna keep you low and make you more depressed. In a study published in The American Journal of Psychiatry, the team named social connection as the strongest protective factor for depression
Tip3: Pleasurable Activity: We tend to loose interest in activities which we used to enjoy when we are depressed. But to get out of this, we need to go back to those activities and try to seek pleasure till we start enjoying again. So, go back to your old hobbies or start a new hobby/activity.
Tip4: Gratitude: To focus on things which we appreciate and thankful to. In doing that we are uplifting our mood. Start & End your day with Gratitude prayer to the supreme power in which you believe in.
Tip5: Proper Sleep and Balanced Diet: Very important for good mental health. Track your sleep pattern and make small shifts to go back to your old sleep patterns. You might experience increase/decrease in appetite when you are low, it will also impact your sleep pattern. Try to improve your sleep and eating habits and it will definitely make you feel better.
No information on this website, regardless of when it was published, should ever be considered as a replacement for specific medical advice from your doctor or another trained professional.
Check out the complete video here: