The Manifestation Toolbox: 5 Techniques for Attracting Abundance and Success
Manifestation is the process of bringing something into existence through thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
The Law of Attraction is often cited as a key principle of manifestation, which states that like attracts like, thus, focusing on positive thoughts/ beliefs can attract positive experiences/ outcomes into your life.
Here are a few popular techniques to manifest success, happiness and abundance.
#Technique 1: 3-6-9 Method
The 3-6-9 method is a manifestation technique that is attributed to inventor and scientist Nikola Tesla. While Tesla’s association with the specific manifestation technique is unclear, the 3-6-9 method has gained popularity in the manifestation community. Here’s an overview of how it works:
- Set your intention: Begin by clearly defining your intention or desire. Be specific about what you want to manifest in your life. It could be related to any area, such as relationships, health, career, or personal growth.
- Choose a mantra or affirmation: Select a mantra or affirmation that represents your intention. It should be a concise statement that captures the essence of what you want to manifest. For example, if your intention is to attract abundance, your affirmation could be
“I am open to receiving abundant opportunities and wealth.“ - Write down/Repeat this Mantra
- 3 times in the morning
- 6 times throughout the day
- 9 times in the evening
This technique serves as a tool to focus your energy and attention on your intention, but it’s also crucial to adopt a holistic approach to manifestation.
Tesla was obsessed with the numbers 3, 6, and 9. Tesla’s Private journals, which were unsealed after his death, included many references to the number 3, 6, and 9. He would often work on problems for extended periods of time, and during these sessions, he would jot down 3, 6, and 9 as a reminder to himself to take a break. It has been speculated that the number 3, 6, and 9 had a hidden meaning for Tesla, and that he used it as a way to unlock the mysteries of the universe.
Other Repitition Techniques:
- 55 x 5 Method: It involves writing a specific affirmation or desire 55 times for five consecutive days. But “why 55×5 though?”-The idea is to utilize the energy of the number 5.
In numerology, 5 signifies great change and transformation so it makes sense why this energy is powerful for manifestation.
- 777 Method: It involves writing down your desires and intentions for 7 times every morning and every night for 7 consecutive days. If you miss a day, you’ll have to start again for 7 consecutive days.
- The Pillow Method: The pillow method is very beginner-friendly. All you need is a paper, a pen and your pillow. It’s a simple process of writing down your affirmation and placing it under your pillow each night before you go to sleep.
It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief, and once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”
– Muhammad Ali
#Technique 2: Two Cup Method:
How to do the 2 cup method
You require:
- Two cups or glasses (can be any shape or size)
- Regular drinking water.
- Post-it notes or blank labels.
- Pen/ marker.
Here’s what you need to do:
- On one label write down the desire/goal/dream you wish to manifest, and on the other write down what your current situation is now.
- Stick both labels to each individual cup.
- Now pour water into the glass that is labeled with your current situation.
- Carefully pour the water from that glass into the empty cup labeled with your desired manifestation.
- Then drink the water.
Congratulations! You have just shifted realities using the 2 cup manifestation method!
During the mid 90’s Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that water can actually hold and retain different types of energies. The theory is that when you drink water, you are absorbing the energy you charged it with when you picked up the glass.
So basically, when you do the two cup method you absorb the frequency of your desires into your being while taking a quantum leap into your desired reality.
#Technique 3: Vision Boards
A vision board is typically a board full of images and words that help you visualize your dreams and desires.
Create a vision board by gathering images, words, and symbols that represent your desired manifestations. Cut out pictures from magazines or print them from the internet and arrange them on a poster board or in a digital collage. Place the vision board in a prominent location where you can see it daily. Visualize yourself already living your desired reality while looking at the vision board.
But what if a traditional Vision Board-making session isn’t your thing?
This is where creating a digital vision board comes in!
Unlike the traditional cut and stick method on paper, your options are much wider when it comes to creating a vision board digitally.
Here are some of my favorite options for creating a powerful board!
- PowerPoint Presentation: Use your PPT skills to make yourself your Digital Vision Board.
- Canva: beginner-friendly and houses a variety of different templates that make it easy for you to create your vision board to your own individual requirements.
- Visuapp: free digital vision board app for your phone or tablet, which allows you to save inspiring photos and quotes to a digital vision board with the intention of using them to visualize and manifest each day.
- Pinterest: If you want to keep things really simple, creating a Pinterest vision board is one of the easiest way. All you have to do is create a new board with an inspiring name and save all the relevant images and quotes that align with your vision to that board.
Then whenever you need a burst of inspiration or positivity, you can go to that board and spend some time visualizing!
Create an entirely new Pinterest account specifically for manifestation.
Then you can have several boards, each representing a different dream or desire, all in one place.
When you’re working on manifesting your desired vision, it’s a good idea to put your vision board in as many places as possible so that you see it often and are reminded of what you’re working towards.
Add your board to your home screen and lock screens so that it’s always in sight when you’re using your digital devices!
#Technique 4: Manifestation Box Loop
A manifestation box – otherwise known as an intention box, vision box or wish box – is a powerful manifestation tool, which works with the law of attraction to bring your dreams into reality! Think of it like a vision board… only in box form!
This technique allows you to manifest using the energy of written messages, pictures, objects and other ideas that represent your desires. Consider this Box as a direct mailbox to the universe.
–Step 1: Make your box: It could be a shoebox, a container, or even an upcycled jewelry box.
–Step 2: Set an INTENTION for your Manifestation Box: Just like with any other law of attraction method, the most important step is setting an intention! Dig deep into your soul and ask yourself –
“What do I want to receive?”
-Step 3: Fill your Manifestation Box with things that resonate with your Dream/Belief
You place what you want inside and the universe sends your represented desires into your physical reality! As with any creative process, there is no right or wrong – the most important thing is that you connect with it and it feels “right”.
Here are some ideas of things you can put in your manifestation box:
- A Letter to Universe
- Pictures/photos or magazine cutouts that resemble your desires.
- Crystals (to amplify energy).
- Quotes.
- Written affirmations.
- Scripts.
- Symbolic Objects/Sentimental heirlooms/gifts.
–Step 4:
- Meditate on the contents of your vision box whenever you feel called to align with your intention
- Keep adding to your intention box as a daily practice e.g. writing affirmations, adding journal entries, new images
So, if you are feeling overwhelmed or perhaps a little impatient waiting for your desires to take form, a manifestation box is perfect for letting go and allowing the universe to do its magic.
#Technique 5: Manifestation Meditation
This technique requires time and effort. The real power of any technique is aligning our subconscious beliefs with our goals and therefore changing our actions. Meditation gives us an easier pathway to the subconscious. You can start practicing now in combination with any of the techniques above or even by itself if you wanted to.
The basic manifestation meditation technique involves adding a series of repetitive affirmations to your standard meditation. Recited mantras are a great way to focus your thoughts and help you manifest your hopes.
While meditating and reciting your affirmations, there’s also an element of creativity involved. To get the most out of the technique, you have to construct a mental image of your dreams and goals. By returning to this mental image over and over, you’re crafting a beacon of positive energy to the Universe and attuning it to your wishes. It’s the belief in this signal that makes the Law of Attraction work.
How to do Manifestation Meditation?
1. Create a relaxed space: Settle into a comfortable sitting position, either in a chair with your feet flat and grounded or sitting cross-legged. Choose a quiet space where you can avoid out external distractions like noise or your phone.
2. Focus on your breathing: Sink into a controlled, steady rhythm with your breathing. The 4-2-4 method is a popular technique. Breathe in for four seconds, then hold it for two seconds before exhaling for a further four seconds.
Try and feel the breath coming in and going out of your lungs. Start to try and detach yourself from your thoughts. Don’t resist any thoughts, just try to observe them and let them pass.
3. Begin to repeat your affirmations: Choose a mantra that summarizes your desire clearly and positively. Use upbeat and empowering language in your mantra. For example, you might say something like:
“I am good at my job and I’m worthy of a promotion.“
Repeat this affirmation slowly and calmly for about five minutes.
4. Envision your wish: Start to construct a positive but realistic image of what life would be like if you achieved your desire.
So, in our promotion example, you might visualize how a perfect day at work might go in your new role. What time would you get up? How would you behave at work? How would people react to you?
Try and engage all of your senses with the image. Focus on the smell of the coffee, the sounds of the office, the touch of your fingers on the keys, the taste of your lunch, the sight of yourself at the desk.
5. Incorporate gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful force of positive energy, and we can use this to power our manifestation and tap into the Law of Attraction. Think of everything that you’re grateful for in your life. Your partner, friends, family, pets. Remember the joy that you feel during hobby activities, or call up some memories that you treasure deeply.
Surrounding yourself with these positive thoughts will help to draw more positivity towards you.
6. Take steps to manifest: Once you’ve completed your meditation, it’s time to take action. Take proactive steps towards your goals, focusing on practical things that you can do to bring them closer.
Shorter Version:
17-Second Manifestation Method:
- According to Abraham Hicks in his book “Ask and it is Given” it only takes 17 seconds of pure, interrupted focus to activate the process of your manifestations.
- It’s just a 17-second DayDream: When you wake up in the morning, don’t reach for your phone right away. Instead, lay still for at least 17 seconds and daydream about your desires.
How good will it be to have the house, the car, the clothes, the relationship… Sit with that thought for a bit…
- Try to write your affirmations at the same time & same place, this will help to create a habit so that you remember to stay consistent with it
- The best time to write your manifestations down in the morning is just as you wake up. When you first wake up your subconscious mind hasn’t had time to remind you of all the stresses and worries of your day.
Alongside your manifestation practice, take inspired action toward your desires. Manifestation is a co-creative process where you align your energy and intentions with action steps supporting your desires.
Happy manifesting!

This blog post hit all the right notes!