The Vigyan Bhairava Tantra contains 112 meditation techniques for self-realization. It is believed that these are the meditations given by God.
Many Meditation Techniques attempt to quieten the mind, by first focusing the mind on a single point. It is easier to still the mind, by first concentrating the mind on something, than by not concentrating on anything. BREATH has been known to be one of the easiest ways to concentrate the mind. The mind is attracted to rhythms. It is easier to focus the mind on a rhythm. And the breath is the most natural rhythm found in life. The mind always takes us to the past or the future. These meditations bring the mind to the present.
Meditation 1
Become Aware of your breath. You will notice that there is a very slight gap between our inbreath and our outbreath. Now focus your attention on these gap between two breaths. Don’t try and influence your breath in any way. Just observe it. You have to concentrate on full breathing cycle, with increased focus on the gap between the breaths.
Meditation 2
This is slight variation of Meditation 1. Instead of focussing on origin of in-breath and out-breath, focus on turning of the breath. As you breath in, the breath gradually dies out. Then there is small gap or pause and then you breath out.
Turning of the breath is the area where the inbreath is ending, there is a gap, and then the out-breath starts.
Meditation 3

Sit comfortably with your eyes close, and focus your attention on the root chakra (Mooldhara), situated at the base. Now, imagine a ray of light rising from this chakra, up the spine, through then central channel (Sushumna), piercing each energy center. As it pierces each energy center, it becomes subtler. Like this, the ray of light continues upwards, getting fainter and fainter, until finally dissolving at the crown chakra. Start again from the root center. Continue this for up to 30 minutes.
Meditation 4
The point between & just above the eyebrows is a very significant point for meditation called Bhrumadya/ Third eye. Bhrumadya is the front part of Ajna chakra ( a very important energy center). It is said that when the third eye opens, we gain insights into the inner world. It is the only meditation given by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita.
The movement of the eyes is connected to the thought process. When we think the eyes move. One of the quickest ways to stop thoughts from arising, is to stop the eyes from moving, even from blinking. Although, it is a mistake to believe that when the eyes are closed, they do not move.
Sit comfortably with your eyes closed, focus your gaze upwards, to a point between and just above the eyebrows. Because the eyes are closed, you will only see darkness. But, identify the point between your eyebrows, and maintain your awareness there. If you are successful in maintaining your gaze on that spot, you may see a blue or white light appearing there. The minute that happens, you will be filled with ecstasy. However, different people have different experiences during meditation, so don’t be disappointed if light doesn’t appear for you.
Meditation 5
The Maitri Upanishad teaches us that God can be meditated in 2 ways- through Sound and through Silence. From sound, we go to silence. The sound of God is AUM. The silence after AUM is joy. It is the joy of God.
There are 2 ways to relax our body. First, we could try and relax our body by making every part of our body, every muscle limp and relaxed. Second, we could initially tense our body. Tighten every muscle of our body to the best of our ability and then suddenly relax and let go. In second instance, our body would relax automatically, even more than the first method. This basic principle is followed in this meditation.
Sit comfortably with eyes closed. Slowly chant Om(A+U+M). When you chant this sound slowly, there should be greater emphasis towards the end of the sound i.e. AUMMMM. Concentrate on the void or silence at the end of the protracted sound. After a while, repeat the chant of Om. A point may come when one is completely absorbed in the silence. At this stage, there is no need to chant Om again. Maintain your awareness of the silence. By concentrating on the void, the silence , one will start feeling very peaceful and at times, very joyful. A time will come when one is transported to another level.
Try these Meditations and do share your experiences in the Comment Box.
P.S. While practicing these meditations, thoughts may keep popping up. When a thought arises and you miss the turning of your breath. Don’t get upset, simply, bring back the mind to the practice. Gradually the thoughts will diminish, and one day will be eliminated altogether as soon as you sit for meditation.
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